vote for me
So I have to write an essay on a public policy issue, and I chose hunger because it describes me like 75% of the time. What I found shocked me. Every five seconds a child dies from hunger. I have been sitting here for the last hour regretting the 2 1/2 brownies I ingested. In the last hour 667 children have died. I am so sad. I am halfway debating getting a part time job so that I could hopefully earn enough money to support a Compassion child. Then maybe only 15,999 children would die that day.
So I have decided that my first official act as Queen of the world will be to make all healthy food free. Free vegetables, free fruit, free meat, free whole grains, and free dairy products. The only food that you will have to pay for is top of the pyramid food, like soda, candy, cookies, white bread, etc. If you like this plan, then vote for me to be Queen of the world!
Posted in: on Sunday, January 31, 2010 at at 9:43 PM