the fruits of student labor

So it has been really weird because this semester I don't get test anxiety before I go take the test, I get it when I am about to look at my grade. My heart starts pounding and I immediately feel like I need to throw up.(This used to happen before my tests last semester, which was kind of awesome because my anxiety attacks pretty much eliminated my need for caffeine. Sadly, they have gone away pre-test) So, I just finished my 5th test within the last six days which means that I am about to go through the special torture of waiting and then looking at my grades. Since this a blog, and you can't see me I will just explain my reactions in way more detail than you would care to know:

A - One of the BEST feelings in the world. I usually smile for a good ten minutes and then I am compelled to tell someone, so they can share in my glory.

B - My thought when I see a B is "it could be worse" and slight disappointment.

C - This letter usually fills me with regret over either 1) not spending enough time studying or 2) spending so much time studying when I was obviously doomed to fail anyway.

D - I wish that I could say that I have never ever seen one of these before. I think I have had two since college started. Any time I see this ugly little half circle that is ironically used for a really smily face, I contemplate both dropping out of college and dying from stupidity.

F - I honestly think my heart would stop beating if this would ever appear on one of my papers and/or tests.